Publisher - Mira Ink
Publication Date - 4th May 2012
Paperback - 320 pages
Genre - Young Adult
Source - Received from publisher for review
Rating - 4 out of 5: I really liked it.
Reviewed by - Ally
Book Info - A contemporary young-adult retelling inspired by the classic 1938 romantic suspense bestseller Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier.
They call me 'New Girl'...
Ever since I arrived at exclusive, prestigious Manderly Academy, that’s who I am. New girl. Unknown. But not unnoticed—because of her.
Becca Normandy—that’s the name on everyone’s lips. The girl whose picture I see everywhere. The girl I can’t compare to. I mean, her going missing is the only reason a spot opened up for me at the academy. And everyone stares at me like it’s my fault.
Except for Max Holloway—the boy whose name shouldn’t be spoken. At least, not by me. Everyone thinks of him as Becca’s boyfriend…but she’s gone, and here I am, replacing her. I wish it were that easy. Sometimes, when I think of Max, I can imagine how Becca’s life was so much better than mine could ever be.
And maybe she’s still out there, waiting to take it back.
My Thoughts - Go into a library enough and you’ll eventually get caught on a shelf in a book that sends your brain the thought that this time, the book is going to... Swallow me whole!
That’s how I felt with this book. Becca’s lost, gone, missing and the “new girl” suddenly shows up trying to be her. Becca came into their lives and changed it; go to people, the guys they were pining for, parties and fun! She was their saviour and when she disappeared they built her into this deity or goddess. They never saw her for what she truly was, half of them didn’t even know her but either way they took it out on “New girl”.
This book is a re-telling and when reviewing a re-telling, its well... really hard especially as I haven’t read the book this book is a re-tell of.
This book was funny, how many people do you know that would tell someone to “shut up, you’re turning an ugly shade of red.” This book, well Becca, at some points other than being a “pathological liar” was Creepy. It creeped me out how manipulative she was and you could really tell she was screwed up, knew she was screwed up and could do nothing to stop it. Her family had given up on her and she was lost.
This book covers the topic of rape, it wasn’t a full out lecture or even a lecture but you get to see the devastating affects and two different takes on it. New girl is cool; everything Becca wanted and the dream like state where she meets Becca and Becca explains the truth were scary and so well written. That’s what this book was: well written, it swallows you whole, takes you in, makes you believe and when it spits you back out you want to go back in and stay there. Against your better judgement, against the devastating news of Becca.
New girl ends up catching the eye of Becca’s ex and is instantly warned against it but she can’t help it. Neither can Max they like each other and that’s that, no matter how hard they try not to. Dana the best friend is tormented by Becca’s disappearance and knows secrets, lots of secrets, that she kept and in the end do come out.
Things you should know (thanks to Kimba88 who said she liked the list)
1. Becca is psychotic.
2. I don’t think, or remember ever getting to know “new girls's" name.
3. This book is creepy; sweet fluffy love story it is not.
4. Max is a prick; a hot stud muffin (yes I said stud muffin) prick, but a prick none the less.
5. I want to go to this school!
Summary - This book really shows the torment and suffering one girl’s disappearance can cause especially a girl like Becca’s. Whether this book is an accurate depiction or retelling I don’t know but I will say that this book was beautifully written and I would recommend it for older teenagers and adults alike.
Other reviews of this book:
I Want to Read That / Serendipity Reviews / Writing from the Tub
Top Ten Tuesday
17 hours ago
Nice to see that the list may become a permanent fixture. ;)
I have this one waiting for review as well, but I haven't read the original. I'm glad to hear that that isn't necessary to follow the story.
Great review Chrissie! I like the way you've been mixing up your genres recently - fun!
SHELAGH!!!! You're back! I missed you sweetie :)
I'm afraid I can't take credit for this one as it's Ally's review, but I do agree that it's a great one :)
Oh it sounds fun! I don't usually read this kind of books, but now I'm intrigued about it. thank you for this rebiew I didn't know this novel.
I've got this one on my shelf and I have read the original so I'm excited to get to it.
Thank you Chrissie and Shelaghh nice to meet you :D
Melliane- I'm not usually one for reading these types of books either, but I really did like it, creepy but I liked it.
Jenny- Well I hope the re-tell does the original justice! :D
-Happy Readings
SO glad you loved this! I still feel kind of mixed on it, which is BIZARRE, but I thought it was gorgeously written, and despite her being AWFUL, I was fascinated by Becca.
Also, you get to know New Girl's name on the second last page ;D
Sarah- I know what you mean I was kind of unsure about the book at first too. Becca definitely has that love me hate me vibe, but she was really what the book was based around so she had to, to be interesting. Yay another List lover! Thank you and Oh Max was something alright! LOL
Did we, I think I was mooning over Becca still . I'll check my copy
Thank you sarah :D
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