Before this post kicks off I would just like to say that this is the first review from new Once Upon a Series reviewer, Ally. So please show Ally some love and make her feel welcome in her new little bit of space in the blogosphere :) ~Chrissie~
Publisher - Zondervan
Publication Date - 1st February 2012
Genre - Young Adult/Paranormal Romance
Source - Received from NetGalley
Rating - 2 out of 5 (but edging towards a 3): It was ok
Reviewed by - Ally
Book Info - After being inexplicably targeted by an evil intent on harming her at any cost, seventeen-year-old Nikki finds herself under the watchful guardianship of three mysterious young men who call themselves halflings. Sworn to defend her, misfits Mace, Raven, and Vine battle to keep Nikki safe while hiding their deepest secret—and the wings that come with.
A growing attraction between Nikki and two of her protectors presents a whole other danger. While she risks a broken heart, Mace and Raven could lose everything, including their souls. As the mysteries behind the boys’ powers, as well as her role in a scientist’s dark plan, unfold, Nikki is faced with choices that will affect the future of an entire race of heavenly beings, as well as the precarious equilibrium of the earthly world.
My Thoughts - Having been my first angel book I was practically flying off my chair when I got the chance to read this book, thank you Netgalley and my beautiful beautiful ARC! This book is Action packed and showcases this from the upstart. As if being a teenager wasn’t crazy enough with just human boys, but when love triangles emerge with ANGELS!! Yes angels…ok Halflings, but Angels nonetheless, and being chased by hells little pets, Nikki has more than she’s cut out for. So much for normal *sigh*.
But then again, what’s normal in this world eh? From vampires to angels - unbelievably hot, powerful Angels - who are here to guard you and dog your every step Mace, Raven and Vine (may I take a minute to say how much I adored these “lost boys”). Who are these boys? They are Halflings - half angel and half human; the product of fallen angels and humans, sent by the “higher power” to guard those who are foretold for greatness.
There were a few things about this book which bugged me. Nikki is meant to be a Kick ass girl with a motorcycle and a black belt in Karate, why the hell is she crying and/or fainting all the time. I mean get it together!
Of course there’s a love triangle, what book doesn’t have one nowadays, but a love triangle between 2 brothers? That’s a whole other WORLD of trouble. (Can I just take this time to say *Blech!*) I’m all for being “unique” in your plot and characters, but this seems a bit extreme - can I mention the whole Clare-Jace “are we brother and sister?” debacle from mortal instruments *yuck*, I haven’t been back to that series since.
The thing is despite all this books vices; the slow pace (at points), awkward disjointed moments and well let’s face it Icky factor, it still managed to be a good book.
Nikki is at the centre of a war that’s brewing and she’s going to need all the help she can get, caught between two worlds, two boys and two sides. Falling from grace has never been so fun! However be warned this book ends in a major cliff-hanger and having been the first book in the series there are quite a few loose ends and the plot is somewhat lacking but with the amazing grace (ok, ok I’ll stop with my not so great puns) amazingly hot characters and an intriguing back story this book managed to ensnare me.
Summary - I LOVED the synopsis. I LOVED the cover. I… liked the book. This series seems to be starting off…ok. I love the “lost boys” there’s a sadness that just draws me to them. Unfortunately Nikki just reminds me WAY to much of Bella Swan, and at least Bella did not go parading around as some kick Booty Chick…much. An interesting premise and I’ll wait it out to see if this series has any wings (Ok now I’ll stop!).
Other reviews of this book:
Alexa Loves Books / Confessions of a Bookaholic
Stacking the Shelves
1 day ago
LOL! Fun review, Ally! I haven't even heard of this series but a love triangle with two brothers could be fun. Ugh, another cliff hanger?! Sigh!
welcome ally/adudience cheers/ i really disliked this one it was an 1.5 for me
don;t give up hope
there are better angel books out there
Thank you @Jenny, and I know right Cliff Hangers are really bugging me too!
And @roro I will keep my fingers crossed for something better :)
Congratulations on your first review! You did an awesome job! I am starting this one next :)
And psst-you know Clare and Jace aren't really brother and sister, right?
Hey, Coranne Thank you so much that you liked my review and I wish you happy readings with this one.
Psst- I heard the rumours, *looks around surreptitiously* I was just too *stage whispers "traumatised"* to go back to the series :D
Jenny - Oh dear, I know your feelings on cliff hangers ;)
Roro - Sorry to hear you didn't like this one. I agree, there are some much better angel books in the world :)
Coranne - Hope you enjoy Halflings :)
Ally - Hey you :) Great review! And I SO know what you mean about Jace and Clare! I didn't like the second book in the series with the whole 'oh my god we're brother and sister but we're still totally attracted to each other' thing. It really creeped me out and I haven't been able to pick up book 3yet! But I will do one day - I want to see what happens when they realise they aren't really related!
Congratulations Ally - great way to dive in for a first review! Welcome to Once Upon a Series and the mad, mad world of book blogging!
As a certified angel fangirl (you can ask Chrissie) I assure you that there are some much better books out there! I have this one from Netgalley as well, but I keep shuffling it down my TBR pile. Maybe now I know why...
Chrissie- LOL Thank you and Hopefully we will overcome our disgust!
Shelagh- Nice to meet you and thank you! I'm enjoying my first taste of the blogging world and will be looking out for better Angel books and you never know you may like this one :)
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